Episode 12

Published on:

7th Dec 2022

Making Way for Transformation

Are you ready to challenge everything you know about scarcity and competition? In this episode of the Harvest Series, Prashant Goel, a trailblazer in neuroscience and depth psychology, reveals his transformative journey from a high-achieving overachiever to an enlightened leader. Host Rose Claverie guides us through Prashant's exploration of traditional wisdom and modern tools that confront our deepest fears and reshape our perceptions of abundance. Tune in to uncover how Prashant’s insights could shift your understanding of success and interconnectedness.

Show note :

[2:37] - What is driving our society is economics, and at the centre of economics is scarcity.

[5:55] - How do you reconnect with your own human being? Prashant offers a practice to increase your awareness.

[9:05] - The 5 tools that Prashant used to be more aware: shadow work in trauma integration, meditation, plant medicines, the investigation into different kinds of wisdom, and network spine analysis.

[14:30] - What was Prashant's journey? Why one day, on a plane, he quit drinking and started to transform.

[20:00] - How Prashant wants to spread his values and what to do for people who feel they want to increase their self-awareness but also feel scared of change.

[23:11] - From caterpillar to butterfly.

[26:50] - Prashant tells about an economic system called the "doughnut economy" and why it can work.

[34:14] - The Harvest of the Day: if something could be changed easily and make the world a better place, what would it be for Prashant Goel?

To have a looks at the doughnut model: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doughnut_(economic_model).

You can reach Prashant by his LinkedIn profile: LinkedIn.com/in/goel or email mail@pgoel.com

Prashant kindly share A LOT of resources for you! Enjoy!

"I trust that for those curious and ready to dive deeper, the following resources will provide further support". Prashant.

1) Videos

Meditation 101 Video

Neuroplasticity Video

Growth Mindset Video

Shirzad Chamine Ted Talk 

Attachment and Authenticity, Gabor Mate

2) Articles

The Neuroscience of Strategic Leadership (Case Study of HR Director, Growing Effectiveness)

The Neuroscience of Mindfulness

The Dawn of Systems Leadership

3) Apps/Websites

Positive Intelligence Saboteurs Assessment (Great, simple tool/guidance for gaining insight into self)

Insight Timer



10% Happier

Feldenkrais Project (body-oriented meditation that is quite slow and gentle but profound)

4) Related Books

These books related to self-awareness come from a variety of angles, including: neuroscience, psychological, adult development, somatics, spiritual, leadership development, trauma-informed, creativity, Eastern and Western Philosophy, etc. I recommend all of the following but that you choose depending on what resonates most with you.  

The Science of Meditation, Daniel Goleman and Richard Davidson

Buddha’s Brain: Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Rick Hanson

MIndsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation, Dan Siegal

The Master and his Emissary, Iain McGilchrist

Healing Developmental Trauma, Heller and LaPierre

Nonviolent Communication, Marshall Rosenberg

The Presence Process, Michael Brown (My most highly recommended because it includes experiential breath practice for 10 weeks, and deep knowledge---but it's not for everybody)

How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be, Cheri Huber

Loving What Is, Byron Katie

The Body Keeps the Score, Bessel Van der Kolk

The Artist's Way, Julia Cameron

Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Steven Covey

Man's Search for Meaning, Victor Frankl

Power vs. Force, David Hawkins

Reinvent Your Life, Jeffrey Young

In An Unspoken Voice, Peter Levine

The Fear Book, Cheri Huber

When the Body Says No, Gabor Maté

A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose, Eckhart Tolle

The Diamond Heart: Book One by Almaas

The Drama of the Gifted Child, Alice Miller

My Grandmother’s Hands, Resmaa Menakem

Calm Clarity, How to Use Science to Rewire your Brain, Due Quach

The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz

The Essentials of Theory U, Otto Scharmer

How to Change Your Mind, Michael Pollan

Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu

Bhagavad Gita, version by Eknath Easwaran

5) Practices/Outcomes:

Please find below:

Tree of Contemplative Practices

Daily Review Practice

The Exercise, a Nonviolent Communication Practice

Outcomes: "Fruits and Flowers": A non-comprehensive list associated with development of self-awareness

3 Slides on Premises and Practices, discussed in Session 5

6) Ted Talks:

Brene Brown, Power of Vulnerability

Ken Robinson, Do Schools Kill Creativity

7) Other Resources:

Wisdom of Trauma Documentary

NARM Basics Training - A powerful introductory course to understanding human development with depth

NARM Practitioners -- The most powerful form of Therapy I have come across for deep healing potential

Vipassana Meditation Retreats (10 day silent meditation retreats that have powerful impact for those ready/curious to dive deep; centers all around the world supported only by donations and volunteers)

Network Spinal Analysis - a surprising, deeply transformative form of bodywork (very light touch) that transforms mind, body and emotions through the natural healing capacity of the nervous system

An article from mainstream media with personal growth expert Tony Robbins' view of NSA

The Kid's Carbon Almanac

and, that's it!

In two weeks, we will release Claud Sendlinger's interview in Kaplankaya about the future of sustainable hospitality. Don't miss the episode!

You can follow us on Instagram at @HarvestSeries or @rose.claverie for updates.

Watch our podcast episodes and speaker sessions on YouTube: Harvest Series.


Harvest Series is produced in partnership with Athena Advisers and Capital Partners

Harvest Series Founders: Burak Öymen and Roman Carel

Show artwork for Harvest Series

About the Podcast

Harvest Series
Interviews with passionate speakers to take better care of yourself, broaden your horizons and nurture the planet.
This podcast is here to help you ask yourself the right questions, boost your critical thinking, and broaden your horizons. Journalist Rose Claverie (@rose.claverie on Instagram) is interviewing for the Harvest Series summit inspiring speakers such as emotional trauma specialist Dr Gabor Maté, nutrition experts Dr. Mark Hyman or Dr. Andrew Weil, and Relationships expert Esther Perel. They share their stories and practical advice to help listeners better care for themselves, their relationships and the planet.
Episodes last around 30mn and are released every Wednesday. We hope you will enjoy the episodes and the diversity of the topics to increase your consciousness :)

About your host

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Harvest Events, LDA