How To Be Authentic? with Dr Gabor Maté
What happens when we lose touch with our authentic selves, and how does it shape our lives? In this episode, renowned speaker and author Dr. Gabor Maté delves into the cost of hidden stress, the impact of childhood environments on authenticity, and the profound consequences of living a life disconnected from our true emotions. That's another podcast episode with Dr Gabor Maté. He is an internationally renowned speaker, highly sought after for his expertise on addiction, trauma and childhood development. Gabor Maté is the author of best-selling books, including When The Body Says No: The Cost of Hidden Stress, or Hold on to Your Kids, his latest one being The Myth of Normal.
[2:30] - First, let Gabor Maté explain authenticity: it is to be connected with our emotions.
[5:00] - Why do we lose our authenticity when we are children, because of the environment?
[7:00] - How do you know you are not being authentic?
[7:51] - What can happen if you are not authentic? Disease, depression, difficult relationships... It can show up in many ways.
[9:25] - Dr Gabor Maté reading an extract of his book about Sheryl Crow and Anita Moorjani, who became who they are, after a terrible disease.
[11:55] - If everybody had to be authentic, wouldn't it lead to more conflicts between people?
[12:50] - But... isn't it normal to want your child to fit within society?
[14:25] - Why is it more difficult, in general, for women to be authentic? eg: Hillary Clinton.
[16:00] - Do you learn how to be selfish?
[17:30] - It's difficult to be authentic. Portraits read by Gabor Maté of people who couldn't be authentic in their life: overachievers of super nice people.
[20:56] - How can medicinal plants help to be authentic? Gabor explains one of his experiences with a therapist.
[23:50] - Why chronic illnesses are often manifestations of people's lives.
[26:35] - Few steps to find authenticity. Look at why your life is not working.
[28:24] - Harvest of the day : What does it bring to be authentic?
This is it, the end of the 5th series of Harvest series, recorded in Kaplankaya during may 2022, with all those great thinkers! In two weeks, we will release the first episode of the 6th series, with amazing guests, like Louie Schwartzberg, the movie director (Fantastic Funghi, Gratitude revealed), Rodo Escalante (meditation specialist, diver), Bibi Brzozka (conscious sexual therapist), Indra Adnan, Daniel Schmachtemberg (social philosopher), Alexandre Tannous (sound therapist), Taiye Selasi (writer), Thomas Ermacora (city futurist), Ari Peralta (multisensory expert), Adah Parris (systems thinker), Manex Ibar (shaman), John Brevard (architect), Christian Jochnick (naturepreneur), Ralph Horat (building a prototype village of the future)... What a programme!
You can follow us on Instagram at @HarvestSeries or @rose.claverie for updates.
Watch our podcast episodes and speaker sessions on YouTube: Harvest Series.
- Sound editing by: @lesbellesfrequences
- Technicians in Kaplankaya: Joel Moriasi
- Music by: Chambord
- Artwork by: Davide d'Antonio
Harvest Series is produced in partnership with Athena Advisers and Capital Partners
Harvest Series Founders: Burak Öymen and Roman Carel